How do I use the KiT?

1. Air-KiT (button type) user guide

  1. Download the ‘KiT Player’ app from the App Store or Google Play Store and install it.

  2. Please check where the microphone is located.
    (The location of the microphone varies depending on the device)

  3. Push the KiT towards the device and click. Please hold the KiT to the device until the pop-up appears or the album starts operating.

  4. The album will start to play when the download is done. (For the very first time connecting the album)
✔️ NOTE <"I hear a beep- sound.">
  • If you push the button too hard or too long, it may cause a ‘beep’ sound. This is not a defect, so please push the KiT making a short click sound.

  • Also, if the button pushed too hard or held it too long, the button may get stuck inside the case. It may cause the dis-connecting issue.
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